Tax professionals please note that we are here to help. These depreciation calculations are complicated and they are fraught with liability for you and your firm. Hundreds of CPAs, enrolled agents, tax firms and tax professionals rely on Cost Segregation Services, Inc. to get these engineering-based cost segregation studies done correctly, timely and in a manner that allow you, the tax professional, to be able to apply the results to your clients taxes for his/her benefit.
We produce an easy to use cost report along with a full report. If you want the data in Excel, we can provide that as well. We segregate the 5, 7, 15 year property from the 27.5 (residential) and 39 year (commercial). We also calculate and identify the key building systems which is extremely helpful and valuable when trying to comply with the Tangible Property Regulations. We conduct an engineering-based cost segregation study which the IRS says is the preferred method when it comes to doing cost segregation. You can have peace of mind knowing that the work was done correctly to maximize the value your client can get from the study. In addition, you have the backing of a 3rd party firm that has been doing these for 20 years and completed 30,000+ studies. We have the documentation should the IRS or anyone else scrutinize the results.
We are here to be your outsourced provider. I’m specifically here to be a resource to you, your firm and to your clients. If you have a client who owns a building that has a basis of at least $175,000 and they have not yet done a cost segregation study, please reach out to me to get an estimate.