A Blog About Tax Savings for Building Owners

Category: Cost Segregation (Page 3 of 4)

Unlocking Hidden Tax Benefits: Why Property and Casualty Insurance Agents Should Offer Cost Segregation to Clients

Property and casualty insurance agents and brokers could offer even greater value and service to their commercial lines clients if they offered cost segregation services.

P&C agents and brokers are talking with commercial building owners on a regular basis about their insurance needs. Inevitably their client base owns commercial buildings and perhaps some multi-family, short-term rentals and rental homes. It’s an easy conversation to have with a business owner whom you know owns a building because you are either insuring it or you are hoping to win his business and insure it going forward. As part of that conversation, why not ask, “BTW, have you done cost segregation on your building for tax savings?” That’s it. If they have done it, great, but if the response is like what I find about 8 out of 10 times the owner hasn’t and he knows little to nothing about it. It’s then just a matter of, we’ll have our guy run an estimate for you and you can then run it past your tax advisor to see if this might be something you can utlize. On average, building owners save between $30,000 – $70,000 per $1 million in basis or building costs.

You can then reach out to me with the specifics on the building because you likely have it in your database already. Many times I can look up most buildings, but we need the following:

  • Address
  • Building type
  • Date of Purchase or In-Service Date
  • Purchase Price
  • Land Value (est)
  • Improvements – year / type

Within a day or two, we will turn around a custom estimate for this owner to save on his/her income taxes. Many times the building owners will see a return something in the neighborhood of 10x what they will invest in the study. Meaning, let’s say the study costs $5,000. The owner’s tax rate is 32%. His net cost after tax would be $3,400. If he saves $50,000 on his income taxes, that’s an ROI of 14:1 or 1,400% return on his investment in the study.

As a property and casualty insurance agent or broker, we’ll do a revenue share of 10% on our study fees. That $5,000 study will generate $500 for your agency. This would likely be for a $1-$1.5MM building. Smaller buildings have smaller fees. Bigger buildings would have bigger fees. How many buildings does your agency insure? If my experience is that about 8 out of 10 are unware of this tax application, don’t you see how you could be a big help to these building owners to help them save on taxes, increase cash flow and maybe help them stay in business?

Lastly, I have heard that insurance premiums for commercial lines have gone up 15-25% in the past year. What if you had a solution to help that business owner when you call him to discuss his renewal for the upcoming year and you’re concerned about possibly losing a client because his rates are going to jump by thousands of dollars. Well, this might be a solution. He might have a building or two that he has not done a cost segregation study on that might generate lots of tax savings which could afford him the cash flow to more easily pay for the increased insurance premium.

And when your agents are on the phone prospecting talking about insurance, this is a another way to try to engage the building owner. Who knows…maybe he’s not ready to buy insurance from you just yet but he does cost segregation because you introduced it to him. Perhaps that will engender some favortism toward you when he does go to re-evaluate or renew his insurance coverages in the coming year.

Cost segregation is a terrific value-add service for property and casualty agents and brokers. It’s a great way to help your clients and to differentiate yourself from the competition. On top of that, it’s an additional revenue opportunity for the agent and agency. Reach out if you’d like to discuss. I work all across the U.S. in all 50 states. One does not need to be licensed to offer cost segregation. John Murphy 864-276-1448.

The views expressed are my own. I do not speak or write in any official capacity for the firm I represent for cost segregation – Cost Segregation Services, Inc.

John Murphy Cost Segregation Service, Inc. "Unlocking Hidden Tax Benefits: Why Property and Casualty Insurance Agents Should Offer Cost Segregation to Clients"

Maximizing Tax Savings: A Strategy for High-Income Married Couples with Short-Term Rentals

Here is a strategy I’m seeing for married couples where one spouse has a big W-2 income.

Please consult with your own tax advisor. I cannot give tax advice. I’m only sharing what I’m seeing some other real estate investors do.

Want to take advantage of cost segregation and minimize your taxes but you’re not a full time real estate pro or investor?  Perhaps you’re a doctor, executive, a sales pro who has a big W-2 income who wants to get into real estate investing. Some who fit this category are purchasing STRs (Airbnbs, VRBOs) and managing them themselves. Generally speaking this would require that one’s spouse does the managing and not the person with the big W-2 income.  The IRS categorizes the STRs differently from long term rentals (i.e. single family rentals, duplexes, apartments etc).  The STR is considered an active trade or business. If you meet the IRS criteria as being actively involved in the property, you may be able to utilize the benefits of cost segregation and the large depreciation expense it generates to offset tax liability for the W-2 income. BTW, you don’t have to be making multiple six figures to make this work. This strategy could work for someone making less money. When I see it used, it’s often the big W-2 income earners who are doing this.

I was recently at an event where a CPA explained this strategy to a room full of real estate investors. It was discussed that they might consider converting a rental home to an STR to be able to take advantage of this.

Let’s say you buy an Airbnb for $425,000 – purchase price plus any improvements, furniture etc. The land is worth 20% ($85,000). That is deducted that since land can’t be depreciated which leaves a cost or basis of $340,000 which can be cost segregated. Depending upon the property, the study results would likely show that 20-25% of the $340,000 basis could be accelerated.  That is $70,000 +/- in depreciation expense that could be used to lower you and your spouse’s overall income by $70k. If your tax rate is 32%, that’s over $20,000 in income tax savings. The study might cost $2,500 +/- which is a deduction. This is a 10x return – 1,000% return on your investment. If you were to scale this up to say $1,000,000+ Airbnb, just multiply these tax savings by 2-3x and you can see why people do this.

If you are one of those couples who has a big income and wants to use real estate to help reduce your tax liability but neither of you are a full time real estate pro, then discuss this strategy with your tax advisor. If you fit this description and you have a short-term rental, reach out to me for a no cost, no obligation estimate. You’ll then have solid information to go back to your tax advisor to determine if doing a cost segregation study might end up saving you a small fortune on your income taxes.

#realestate #realestateinvestor #costsegregation #STR #shorttermrental #Airbnb #VRBO #W2 #W2Income #highincome #highincomeearner #taxsavings #taxes #incometaxes

Cost Segregation in South Carolina

Photo Credit: John Murphy, Cost Seg Building

If you’re a building owner or a tax professional, CPA, Enrolled Agent, etc., and you’re looking for a cost segregation specialist here in South Carolina, I’m happy to be of help. I’m based out of Greenville, SC and represent Cost Segregation Services, Inc. The company has been studying buildings for 20 years. During that time we have successfully completed more than 35,000 engineering-based cost segregation studies across all building types and classes in all 50 states. While I’m based in South Carolina, I can study any buildings anywhere in the U.S.

Here’s a short video on what we do for building owners.

Cost segregation works on all types of buildings where the owner is receiving a lease or rent payment. In other words, it can’t be your personal residence. Typically the basis or cost needs to be north of $200,000 in order for the economics to work for the owner, but we have done some studies on buildings with a basis as low as $150,000. This works on commercial buildings, retail strips, self storage facilities, hotels, apartments, single family rentals, Airbnbs, short term rentals, offices, warehouses, industrial, shopping centers etc.

Call me at 864-276-1448. I can provide a no cost, no obligation quote so you can discuss it with your tax advisor to see if doing cost segregation makes sense for you financially.

IRS Audit Technique Guide for Cost Segregation – Updated 2022

Sometimes I will occassionally get a question from a building owner and/or investor as to whether or not cost segregation is a legitimate tax strategy. I will let them know it’s been law for well over 20 years now and in fact the IRS publishes a guide for its auditors to evaluate cost segregation. The IRS just published a new cost segregation audit technique guide. It had been many years since the last one was published. It’s 268 pages in case you’re interested in reading it :).

From the IRS document…

This Audit Techniques Guide (ATG) has been developed to assist Internal Revenue Service (Service) examiners in the review and examination of cost segregation studies. The primary goals are to provide examiners with an understanding of:

• Why cost segregation studies are performed for Federal income tax purposes;
• How cost segregation studies are prepared;
• What to look for in the review and examination of these studies; and,
• When certain issues identified in the cost segregation study need further

The ATG was originally developed by a cross-functional team of Service Engineers and Revenue Agents. It was updated by members of the DCE PN and is not intended as an official IRS pronouncement. Accordingly, it may not be cited as authority.

So if you wonder if you should hire a reputable and trusted firm for cost segregation for your building / investments, just realize the IRS has published a 268 page guide for its auditors to examine the accuracy of your cost segregation study.

If you’d like to talk to a firm with a long history of successfully completing these studies for building owners and investors, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, John Murphy, CSSI at 864-276-1448.

Donald Trump’s Tax Returns – Cost Segregation On Full Display

Image Source: www.DonaldJTrumpc.om

Last week Congress released Donald Trump’s tax returns in hopes to find something that they can either shame him with or perhaps file criminal charges. But remember, Trump was and is a real estate developer and owner before becoming President of the United States. I remember hearing people clammoring to see his taxes but my thoughts were it’s likely we’ll see little to nothing because he probably maximizes his real estate depreciation to minimize or eliminate his tax liability. It turns out that clearly is one of the strategies he utlizes. The best ways to maximize depreciation on your buildings is by doing cost segregation.

According to the article in BisNow, Trump used a number of different strategies including loss carryforwards to eliminate his tax liability. Don’t think this can be used by the small to midsized investor? Think again. These kinds of strategies are available to all U.S. taxpayers. You just have to have a tax professional who can help you think strategically about these things as well as have a trusted source for cost segregation.

If you own an investment property or commercial building that has a depreciable basis of at least $200,000 and you have not done cost segregation yet on your building, please reach out and I will be happy to discuss this with you. We’ll run a no obligation estimate that will show you what we expect to achieve with increased accumulated depreciation and what it will cost. You can then discuss it with your tax professional and decide yea or nea. It’s that easy. We’ll collect a few documents from you as well as send someone out to photograph your property and then we’ll get started on the study. It’s pretty painless to you as the owner. It takes us six weeks to complete our engineering-based cost segregation study.

Cost Segregation for REALTORS

Cost Segregation is particularly valuable for REALTORS® as often times the large depreciation expense generated by a cost segregation study can be used to offset their income generated from selling homes.
Cost Segegation is particularly valuable for REALTORS®

Many REALTORS® own investment property and some own commercial property. If they do real estate full time, generally they can use depreciation from their real estate investments to offset tax liability from their real estate sales activity. As always, please consult with your own tax advisor to make sure you qualify for this and that your involvement with your investments is such that you can utlize the depreciation to lower your income taxes.

But let’s say you do qualify and you have the following scenario…

REALTOR® Commissions for 2022 net after expenses: $150,000. Let’s say you own a single family rental home that you purchased this year for $325,000 and the land is worth $50,000 leaving you with a building cost / basis of $275,000. When you evaluate your P&L on your rental home after deducting your expenses, debt service and standard depreciation, you end up making $2,000 net profit this year. That certainly isn’t going to create much of a tax burden for you so you wouldn’t do a cost segregation study just to save $700-$800 taxes for the year. But this isn’t the entire picture. In this situation, a cost segregation study may help you save about $15-$20k in income taxes. Let’s take a look.

If this building was put into service right away Jan. 1, 2022, your depreciation for the year would be $10,000 which is the straight line depreciation amount you can take each year for the life of your ownership or until you’ve fully depreciated the building after 27.5 years. A cost segregation study might generate a depreciation expense of about 20-25% of the cost basis which was $275,000. A study would generate a depreciation expense of about $55,000 – $68,000 which means this REALTOR could likely lower their taxable income from $150,000 to $95,000 or lower. That might be a 30% tax savings for this agent which would be about $15-$20,000. The cost to do a study like this might be $2,250 – $2,500 – net cost would be about $1,500. Pay $1,500 and save $15,000 on your taxes. This is a 10:1 ROI or a 1,000% return on your money. Not bad.

REALTORS® especially should consider cost segregation as a tax minimizing strategy if they own rental investment properties or commercial properties. As always, please consult with you tax advisor. If you have questions or would like to get a quote, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at john.murphy@costsegregationservices.com or 864-276-1448. I work all over the country in all 50 states.

Dentists Can Save $100,000 On Taxes By Using Cost Segregation

Photo Credit: John Murphy

Dental buildings have really come a long way. We are seeing more and more of them with beautiful design and finishing. Many now cost between $1.5 – $2.0 million. That’s a big expense for anyone and especially for dentists who may well be continuing to pay for dental school loans.

If the ownership of the operating business and the LLC that owns the dental building are the same, the dentist can group these entities the first year they put the building into service. That allows the operating LLC to take advantage of the depreciation generated by the real estate LLC. The tax savings can be significant.

Many of these buildings will see 20-30% of the building cost or basis able to be depreciated in the first year. For buildings placed into service starting in 2023, the bonus depreciation drops from 100% to 80% so please note that.

Recently we saved this dentist well over $100,000 on their income taxes when we did an engineering-based cost segregation study for them.

Land Improvements Can Be Incredibly Valuable in Cost Segregation Studies

Everyone thinks about buildings when they think about depreciation and the benefits of cost segregation, but don’t forget about the massive positive impact land improvements can on your depreciation. It’s common that land improvements might be anywhere from 4-15% of your overall building cost or basis. Sometimes we’ll even see 25%+! With 100% bonus depreciation, let’s say you have a $1 million building….if 10% of the building cost is land improvements, you could potentially take a $100,000 deduction in year one of your ownership! That right there would be about a $30,000+ tax savings – i.e. the money stays in your bank account and not the IRS’s.

The IRS classifies land improvements as 15 year class life property. Depending upon the type of property, we will regularly see such land improvements as:

  • Parking lot / driveway
  • Parking lot striping and barriers
  • Sidewalks, patios and curbs
  • Site drainage
  • Exterior signage
  • Landscaping and irrigation
  • Retaining walls
  • Security light poles
  • Exterior fencing
  • Exterior dining enclosure
  • Exterior bollards
  • Dumpster enclosure
  • Pool
  • Docks

Site improvements can have a BIG impact on your depreciation and provide a big depreciation expense for building owners when they apply a cost segregation study. Remember the cost segregation study will separate out your property from it all being lumped together as either 39 year (commercial) or 27.5 year (residential investment). Property will be reclassified to 5, 7, 15, and 27.5 / 39 year property. Right now for properties purchased / in-service as of Sept. 28, 2017 – December 31, 2022 can take 100% bonus depreciation. Bonus depreciation is available for property with class lives of less than 20 years…so all your 5, 7 and 15 year property could be depreciated in year 1 of your ownership. That can provide a significant tax savings for owners. Depending upon the building, you might be able to immediately depreciate 10-30% of the overall building cost or basis.

For those who want to grind harder on the topic, here’s the official link to the IRS on how to depreciation property. It’s a comprehensive list on all types of property and class lives. Otherwise, if you’d like to talk with me about seeing if your property might be a good fit for cost segregation, please don’t hesitate to reach out. My information is available under the Contact tab above or connect with me on LinkedIn.

As always, please consult with your own tax advisor for your specific situation to see if a cost segregation study might be beneficial to you.

Cost Segregation for a Panera Bread Building – $100,000 Tax Savings

Photo Credit: John Murphy, Cost Seg Building

Cost segregation works pretty much on all commercial buildings. If the building cost is north of $175,000 or so, there are tax savings being left on the table if the owner does not segregate the building in to 5, 7, 15, and 39 year class lives which is what happens when you do an engineering-based cost segregation study.

What might one see for results in such a study for a Panera Bread commercial building? Well, the owner might save about $100,000 on his/her income taxes by doing a study. The cost of the study would be a small fraction of the overall savings.

Let’s say in this scenario we have the following:

Building Cost: $1,500,000

Increased Accumulated Depreciation: $310,000

Estimated Tax Savings @32% Federal Rate: $99,200

The building owner doesn’t have to write a check to the IRS for that $99,200. The money stays in his/her bank account and they can do with it as they see fit….remodel bathrooms, buy a new building, buy a new car, pay off debt, increase wages for employees, buy a short term rental, take some vacations….they money is there’s and remains with them. I don’t care how much money people have…they could have millions, but there hasn’t been a single person yet that I’ve come across who says they aren’t interested in keeping an extra $100,000. And it doesn’t have to be $100,000….we run scenarios for all kinds of property…let’s say you own a building that is only $300,000 but by doing an engineering-based cost segregation study, you might be able to save $15,000-$20,000 on your taxes. That’s real money and people would rather keep that money in their bank accounts rather than the IRS’s.

Note, the numbers above are estimated tax savings. Each study is different and we wouldn’t know the final results until the actual study is completed. A building owner’s tax situation and tax rate might be different. If they were in the 37% tax bracket their tax savings would be quite a bit higher. If they are in a lower bracket then the savings would be lower. As always, I can’t give tax advice. When considering cost segregation, get an estimate and then discuss it with your own tax professional to see if you can benefit from doing a study.

Why Commercial Brokers Should Offer Cost Segregation Services

Commercial brokers play a very important role in the ongoing development and improvement of a community. They are often in-the-know of what’s happening in a particular area…who’s developing what and which companies are moving in and/or expanding. They help business owners, building owners and investors of all kinds with sourcing or developing a building or project to suit the prospective owner’s needs. They often can help give recommendations on financing, inspections, engineering, surveying, insurance, renovations, construction etc. The one area they are weak in is in cost segregation.

Why should commercial brokers have a trusted source for cost segregation amongst their mix of other expert advisers whom they can readily share with a prospective client? It’s pretty simple….commercial brokers should introduce cost segregation to every client and have each building evaluated. There’s no cost to do this and the upside is significant certainly for the client. The commercial broker can also generate another income stream for his brokerage by partnering with us to deliver this service to his clients.

We know the upside for the client on cost segregation but why wouldn’t the commercial broker also participate in creating another revenue stream? Ask me about our referral program. It can help pay for some office lunches, outings and year end parties. But the bigger thing is that the broker will have helped his client maximize his/her building by saving a lot of money on taxes. The tax savings provided to the client might actually be enough to help that building owner go buy another building of which the broker may represent him/her on that and make another commission.

Remember, not every building or every building owner is going to need to actually do a cost segregation study. Some buildings aren’t profitable and maybe won’t be for some time. Some owners aren’t particularly profitable either and so they don’t need the tax deductions. However, every building should be evaluated so you at least have it on hand and can reference it each year as you review your particular tax situation for that year. Perhaps you don’t do cost segregation for a variety of reasons in 2022…maybe not even in 2023. But by 2024, it probably makes more sense. Well, a smart business owner, building owner and investor is going to know what that might look like for him or her. There’s no reason they should not have an estimate on hand and in their files. It should be part of a normal business and tax review process if not quarterly…at least annually.

Cost segregation will save big money for most owners. They might see between $30,000 – $70,000 in income tax savings per $1 million in building cost or basis. We can do studies on buildings with a cost or basis as low as about $175,000.

Lastly, I will say that as I speak with building owners, 8 or 9 out of 10 have not heard of cost segregation. Of those that might be familiar with it, there’s a lot of misperceptions as to it’s value vs. it’s cost. It’s very common for me to quote estimates that demonstrate a 10, 15, 20:1 return on their investment in the study. That’s a 1,000 – 2,000% return. Most commercial real estate delivers returns in the 5-8% range…we’re talking massive returns here with cost segregation compared to the investment in the study. The most likely way a building owner would hear about cost segregation would be through the commercial real estate broker. Please share the information…make an introduction and let’s help building owners maximize their buildings, lower their taxes and increase their cash flow.

Be sure to reach out and I’d love to help – John Murphy, 864-276-1448

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