Building Product with special tax status that few know of yet. Green Zip Tape is something every commercial developer should be considering to lower taxes, increase cash flow while being environmentally friendly.

For example…let’s take a $50MM project. They could see an additional $5MM move from 27.5 / 39 year class life to 5 year by using GZT. That’s nearly a $2MM income tax savings over 5 years. The tax benefits of building with GZT transfer to the new owner. This will be helpful in marketing the property. On top of that you’ll have those who are just thrilled about the sustainabilty / green building components of your building. The cost is a fraction of the benefit.

The IRS gives Green Zip Tape a special tax status because it helps eliminate sheetrock ending up in the land fills when owners need to renovate. The patented technology in the tape allow is to be removed easily from the sheetrock without causing a bunch of damage. The sheetrock panets can then be removed and reused so you end up with removable panels at a fraction of the cost. And you get the tax benefits! It’s genious!

Let us take a look at your project and show you the numbers. In today’s world, an additional 2-3% can make all the difference in the world. Were talking 5-10+% of your construction costs. It’s a game changer.
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