A Blog About Tax Savings for Building Owners

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Greenville Leads the Way: A New Design Center for Transparency and Community Engagement

The City of Greenville, SC has just signed a lease to open a Design Center right on main street so the public has easy access to planners and can see what is happening within the city. This is such a great idea and I love this concept as goverment moves toward greater transparancy.

The City of Greenville is one of the most remarkable small cities in the country and the leadership has been very deliberate regarding the growth and design you see in the city. They are to be commended for the work and planning that they have done.

I love the idea of street access to the City of Greenville Design Center. It looks like it will be beautiful space and I can’t wait to stop in to check it out and attend public meetings and presentations. The new space will open later this year and will be located at 15 S. Main St., Greenville, SC.

Well done City of Greenville, SC!

Depreciation Pitfalls: Navigating Oil Service Building Tax Deductions the Right Way – Jiffy Lube Multicare

I recently received a call from a CPA with questions about oil service buildings and their tax treatment. There’s a common misconception that these buildings are 100% deductible, but that’s not entirely accurate. Many commercial real estate brokers market the supposed automatic bonus depreciation benefits of these properties, but the reality is more complex. Unlike convenience stores (C-stores) or tunnel car washes, oil service buildings face more challenging qualifications in order to claim it all as 15 year class life. We have not heard that the IRS is scrutinizing how owners are depreciating these buildings, but it would seem to be a pretty easy target given the assumptions many in the industry make about oil services buildings.

Understanding the Classification Nuances

Let’s start with the fact that commercial property is considered 39 year class life property meaning you get to depreciate it over 39 years. That amounts to 2.5% of the building cost per year is taken as a deduction (1/39). Oil service buildings might be able to be identified as 15 year class life and thus eligible for bonus depreciation. Bonus depreciation used to be 100% from Sept. 27, 2017 – Dec. 31, 2022. The law has it declining 20% each year until it is zeroed out by 2027. For 2024, bonus depreciation was 60%. (Congress will be considering reupping the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which would bring back 100% bonus depreciation, but we won’t know that until later this year in 2025). Properly classifying oil service buildings under the 15-year class life rule isn’t as straightforward as it is for C-stores or tunnel car washes. Owners and their tax advisors should thoroughly understand the rules and ensure proper documentation to avoid potential IRS challenges.

For oil service buildings, the critical qualification is that 50% or more of the revenue must come specifically from petroleum sales. Oil of course is petroleum but the labor to change the oil is not. Oil service shops sell other services and products that further make it difficult to achieve that 50% petroleum sales threshold. It’s not uncommon to see these shops selling other fluids, filters, wiper blades etc. Brands such as Jiffy Lube are expanding beyond oil changes to provide other services. This seems like a smart move for the brand to capture more of the expenses Americans have with maintaining their cars. Jiffy Lube now has these beautiful, larger, modern MultiCare buildings. No doubt this is good for business but just note it’s likely going to make it very difficult to achieve that 50% petroleum sales qualification to claim the entire building as 15 year class life.

Claiming Depreciation: When It Works and When It Doesn’t

If an oil service building meets the qualifications, tax advisors can claim the entire property under the 15-year class life and apply the appropriate bonus depreciation. For example, if a $2.5 million building (with $500,000 allocated to land) was placed in service in 2024, the owner could claim 60% bonus depreciation on the $2 million building value, resulting in a $1.2 million deduction. This approach avoids the need for a cost segregation study.

However, if there’s any uncertainty in meeting the 50% revenue threshold and proving it with documentation, then conducting a cost segregation study is a likely a wise investment.

Why Cost Segregation Makes Sense

If you cannot achieve that 50% petroleum sales criteria, then a cost segregation study will almost always make sense. Oil service and multicare auto service buildings have a lot of 5 year and 15 year class life property. You should identify this property to maximize your deprecation. It’s also helpful to have this segmented in the event you have to replace some of this property over the normal course of operations of your business. It makes dispositions much easier which again will help you save money on your taxes.  a cost segregation study can still provide substantial benefits. Many of these buildings will see 30, 35, 40% of the overall cost of the building reclassified to 5 and 15 year life providing the owner with a significant deduction in the year in which the cost segregation study is applied.

Looking ahead to buildings placed into service in 2025, bonus depreciation will be 40% unless Congress enacts changes. If lawmakers restore 100% bonus depreciation, property owners may be tempted to skip a study and claim 100% depreciation on these oil service buildings. At the end of the day, that’s a call that’s up to the owner and his/her advisors. We get a chance to evaluate a lot of these buildings as you might imagine. Most of the buildings do not hit the 50% threshold. It’s not us making that determination to try to get a study out of the owner. This analysis is done by the owner / operator and tax advisor and they usually can’t confidently say they hit 50%.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Incorrect depreciation claims can have serious consequences, and if the IRS decides to target owners of oil service buildings, they would be easy targets. If you own a building or if you are a tax advisor who has a client who owns one of these buildings, if they can’t confidently document that they hit the 50% petroleum sales qualification, then do the smart thing and have a cost segregation study done. You’ll sleep better at night knowing that you have the proper documentation and classifications of your building backed up by an experienced third-party cost segregation company.

The Bottom Line

If you want peace of mind and confidence in your depreciation strategy, a cost segregation study is a valuable tool. The cost of the study is minimal compared to the potential savings and security it provides. Don’t take unnecessary risks—ensure you’re depreciating your oil service building correctly to maximize your depreciation and tax benefits while complying with the law.

Cost Segregation and Tunnel Car Washes Purchased in 2024

Tunnel Car Washes and Cost Segregation – What you need to know about 60% bonus depreciation.

If you purchased a tunnel car wash in 2024, you’re going to want to cost segregate it. Back in 2022 when bonus depreciation was 100% many CPAs just marked it all as land improvement and took 100%. I get that. In 2023, the same thing happened but it was 80% bonus. Now in 2024, bonus is 60%. You are leaving money on the table if you don’t do cost segregation. In many cases it’s $300,000 – $500,000 you’re leaving on the table by not doing cost segregation.

I’ve had a custom tool built to specifically calculate and show you the year by year tax savings you’ll get from doing cost segregation vs. not doing cost segregation and just letting your CPA mark your depreciation schedule as all 15 year class life and taking 60%. Take a few minutes and learn as I try to demo this new calculator. If you have a property and would like me to run the numbers, let me know. Check out the 4 minute video explanation below.

Everyone who buys a tunnel car wash in 2024 and who has basis, should do a cost segregation study. Of course consult with your own tax advisor, but get armed first with the information. I think I’m the only one that I know of that has this tool to calculate this for you. If you purchased your car wash with all 1031 exchange funds then there’s no basis. If you purchased it partially with 1031 funds and have new debt / money, there may be enough basis to study. Let me run the numbers. I work all over the country.

If you aren’t doing cost segregation on a 2024 Tunnel Car Wash you may be leaving $100k on the table.

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Gracie Plaza: Greenville’s Tallest Landmark Moves Forward with Bold New Design

Renderings by Johnston Design Group and NR Investments.

The city of Greenville’s Design Review Board has given the green light to new site plans for Gracie Plaza, which will be a transformative project for the City of Greenville and will set the tone for Greenville’s Gateway corridor.

The developer for this project is Miami’s NR Investments which is a major player in south Florida so it exciting to see them bring their work here to Greenville. Johnston Design Group out of Greenville is the architect for this remarkable building and project.

This building while being the tallest in the city, will be really the first thing one sees I believe when they enter the city from 385. Right now this part of the city is very uninspiring. Bon Secours Wellness Area in located right there and there are a number of other smaller, generally older buildings. There’s a lot of traffic that passes through this area.

The Upstate Business Journal has been doing a great job of covering the various iterations of Gracie Plaza. Be sure to check out there stories.

Some key points about Gracie Plaza:

  • Two towers – 24 and 29 floors
  • 342 apartments
  • 363 space parking garage
  • 12,000 SF of commercial space for restaurants and creative studio spaces

The building will be located on the Greenville Memorial Auditorium site.

There is still more work to do with the permitting process before NR Investments fully has the green light to move forward but it’s looking good for them and for the City of Greenville.

Align Capital Partners Launches Professional Services Offerings

Align Capital Partners announces acquisition in the tax space of CSSI – Cost Segregation Services, LLC and TaxIncennovations. It’s a growing professional services offering with cost segregation, 179D energy savings and Research & Development tax credits.

As a rep for CSSI I can say that Align Capital Partners has brought some good change to the company. We are more responsive and getting more systematized for scale. I’m looking forward to the growth ahead.

Understanding the Impact of Tangible Property Regulations on Landlords and Tenants: Capitalization vs. Expense Deduction for Tenant Improvements

Tenant Improvements – Photo Credit John Murphy, Cost Seg Building

Are you looking to do tenant improvments (TIs) to your building? Are you aware that the Tangible Property Regulations (TPRs), i.e. repair regulations, are to your benefit as a building owner? There are specific guidelines to help building owners save money on their taxes when it comes to TIs. Many times we see that owners have capitalized items that could have been expensed. Not only is that the incorrect way to account for some items, the IRS doesn’t want you to do it that way and it’s costing you quite a bit in lost tax savings.

The words lessee and lessor in §1.162 and §1.263(a) (Tangible Property Regulations) are mentioned over 200 times. The TPRs are a dramatic change for landlord and tenants regarding the capitalization or expense deduction of tenant improvements.

There are two critical general rules under §1.263(a) for leased property and improvements.

The first general rule is that an improvement to a unit of property is NOT a separate unit of property from the building. The second general rule is if the landlord’s expenditure is NOT a restoration, adaptation, betterment, or improvement (RABI), then it is repair and maintenance.
The unit of property for a taxpayer who is the lessee of an entire building is each separate building, its structural components, and building systems.

If the lessee leases only a portion of a building (such as an office, entire floor, or specified square footage), the portion of each building and the building systems associated with ONLY the leased portion is the unit of property. If the lessee pays for the tenant improvements, the lessee must generally capitalize the related amounts, which it pays to improve the tenant space. The only exception is if §110 applies. §110 is a construction allowance received by the lessee for the sole purpose of the improvement or when the improvement constitutes a substitute for rent.

In other words, tenants who do not lease the entire building and pay for their tenant improvements have their separate unit of property, and those improvements must be capitalized under the UNICAP rules §263A.

If the landlord pays for the tenant improvements, they must be put through the RABI rules (restoration, adaptation, betterment or improvement) to determine if the tenant improvements are a repair and maintenance item or if they must be capitalized. Generally, an amount capitalized as a tenant improvement is not a separate unit of property from the building. If the landlord’s tenant improvements are not a separate unit of property from the building, the landlord can compare the expenditure against the whole building, building structures, and building systems. The result will be that most landlord tenant improvements, (beyond the initial tenant improvements capitalized for each space), will be classified as a repair and maintenance expense.


The landlord owns and operates two buildings. One is a 4-story office building of 40,000 square feet with the first floor consisting of retail space. The other building is a stand-alone 10,000-square-foot retail building. The landlord has two new tenants move in 2022. Tenant A leases the first floor of the 4-story building. Tenant B leases the stand-alone building. The landlord already had prior tenants in those spaces and has tenant improvements on its books for both of those building spaces. The landlord tears out the previous tenant improvements and does extensive new tenant improvements for both tenants.


The landlord can expense the tenant improvements for Tenant A in the office building but must capitalize the tenant improvements for Tenant B. The reason he can expense the TIs for the office building is that the space being renovated consists of only 25% of the building. The Tangible Property Regulations allow that if you are improving less than 30-35% of the building that those costs might be able to be expensed instead of capitalized. However, we will often see that owners have indeed capitalized such items.

Regarding Tenant B, the landlord must capitalize those improvements because because it’s 100% of the property. However, they can do a partial asset disposition (PAD) and get a significant tax deduction for the removal of those previous tenant improvements that had been in the building. PADs must be completed in the tax year in which the work (improvement / renovation) was done.

So what’s the difference between these two buildings? The landlord replaced a large physical portion of the stand-alone building that B occupied but only improved 25% of the building that tenant A was to occupy.

If you are a building owner and you are doing tenant improvements, reach out to consult with me at no charge. We can discuss your situation and see if it makes sense to expense or capitalize your improvements and whether or not it might qualify for a partial asset disposition.

The original article appeared on CSSI’s website and has been updated here at Cost Seg Building.

Welcome to Cost Seg Building!

Welcome to my new site! My goal here is to provide education, insight and information about the complicated world of cost segregation. The fact of the matter is, while it is a very complex process for those who do the work to study the buildings, it does not need to be particularly complex for the building owners and investors considering having a study done on their building(s). There are plenty of nuances about this part of the tax code but that’s what I’m here for as well as the team of people I work with along with your CPA and/or tax advisor.

My experience is that it’s probably less than 2% of building owners have applied cost segregation to their buildings. 80-90% of the owners I speak with are not familiar even with the concept. The majority of commercial brokers I speak with have a bit more knowledge of cost segregation but not enough to truly see the value it might provide their clients. Most CPAs don’t seem to utilize cost segregation in part I think because they don’t have a trusted source to get the work done for their clients. My hope here is that with this site, I can reach tens of thousands of building owners, investors, commercial brokers and agents, CPAs and other tax professionals and help them get their questions answered…and get their much deserve tax savings!

Thanks for being here. I’ll try to keep the content fresh and current.

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