REALTORS® play a key role in real estate. If you work with real estate investors or maybe you are also working on commercial property as well, you should consider offering cost segregation as a service. It’s a terrific value-add and differentiator for you in the marketplace. Very few brokers and agents even know about this service let alone offer it. We have a program where you can earn 10% referral fee on business you send to us. Once it closes you get back. All it takes is an introduction.

The business of real estate is getting more challenging. Deals are tougher. There are commission challenges. Sales volumes are down. There are more people than ever it seems in real estate. Top agents and brokers are always looking for ways to stand out. Offering cost segregation is certainly one way that will help differentiate you from the competition.

Here’s a 12 minute explanation of how it works and how you might implement it. The other thing is, you are not restricted to just your local market or state like you are now with your real estate license. You know know people across the country who own investment properties or commercial properties. Why not introduce this to them and get paid on it. BTW, cost segregation also works well with Airbnbs and VRBOs.

Let’s connect. BTW, I’ve been a licensed REALTOR since 2003 and a broker since 2007. I don’t do much for transactions any more but use my license to do a better job and differentiate my value with cost segregation. I will be an excellent partner with you because of my experience and knowledge of the real estate business. My contact info is below. You can find me on LinkedIn as well.

John Murphy CSSI