A Blog About Tax Savings for Building Owners

Tag: Commercial Building Owners

Maximizing Property Profitability: The Overlooked Tax Strategies Every Property Manager Should Know

In talking with various property management companies, they often keep track of all kinds of things about an owner’s building…expenses, repairs, inspections, improvements, life expectancy on components and regular review of the property. Many also keep the books as well and know the profitability of the owner. They may or may not include the tracking of the property taxes, debt service and depreciation.

But that said, as managers of the property to help the owner maintain a profitable business, in my opinion, they should be having conversations with their owner clients and find out if they have done cost segregation or not for the building for tax savings. Cost segregation can help with profitability and cash flow – right in the wheelhouse of most property managers.

Property managers should also remember that if there are significant improvements done to the property, they should consider studying those improvements – partial asset disposition (PAD) and cost segregation. There is often significant tax savings for the owner if they do this after a significant renovation ($100,000+). There are some rules of course that must be followed but it’s important to look into it. If the building has been owned for at least one tax year and they do big improvements, it might qualify for PAD. PAD allows for a tax deduction in the tax year in which the work was done. It also removes basis from the depreciation schedule as the property that has been thrown out is calculated and removed from the schedule. That way the owner doesn’t end up being subject to recapture tax for property that is now longer part of the building. It’s a 2 for 1 tax benefit. The vast majority miss this from what I can see.

Property managers, as trusted advisors to property owners, can play a crucial role in identifying opportunities for tax savings through cost segregation and PAD. By proactively engaging in conversations with their clients about these strategies, property managers can help owners maximize their tax benefits and enhance the overall profitability of their investments.

Many property managers across the country are part of our referral partner program where they can earn a referral for each study that we do for their clients. If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to me and I’d be happy to discuss. — John Murphy 864-276-1448

How to Use Cost Segregation Studies and Estimates to Eliminate Quarterly Tax Payments

Commercial building owners can use a cost segregation study results to eliminate or minimize their quarterly tax payments. These building owners can even just use an estimate or predictive analysis from a qualified cost segregation firm an apply that to the calculations for what their tax liability might be for their quarterlies.

As I write this today, the September 15th deadline is coming up late this week. As building owners and their CPAs make the final calculations for what the owner’s estimated tax bill might be, we can generate an estimate for that owner yet this week that would impact what that owner owes for his quarterly payment.

For example, let’s stay a business owner / building owner is expecting that he or she has to write a check to the IRS for $20,000 for his quarterly payment. This owner also owns a building that he has owned for a few years but has never done a cost segregation study. We can run an estimate this week and provide an idea what that owner might save on his taxes. Let’s say the estimate comes back and we believe he may save $30,000 on his income taxes if he applied it to this year’s tax return. If that’s the case, that $20,000 that he owes this week could stay in his checking account rather than being sent off to the IRS.

Please consult your own tax advisor. This post is not tax advice. Please reach out to me if you’d like for me to run an estimate on your building.

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