A Blog About Tax Savings for Building Owners

Tag: Commercial Real Estate Brokers

How Commercial Real Estate Brokers Can Use Cost Segregation to Close More Business

I work with a lot of commercial real estate brokers around the country but it’s just a tiny fraction of the number of CRE brokers who should be using cost segregation in their practices. It’s a missed income opportunity for the broker but more importantly it’s a missed opportunity to provide a very powerful value-added service that will have a material positive impact on your commercial real estate client. You also leave yourself exposed that someone else might call them up to make mention of it and start to build a relationship with that client.

As the key point of contact in a transaction and tip of the spear so to speak, commercial brokers work with buyers of commercial real estate to go through the financials, due diligence, market opportunity and pricing of all kinds of buildings. Why not discuss cost segregation with your clients at the same time? It’s a key part of owning commercial real estate. It can help improve an owner’s cash flow, reduce their immediate tax liability and help them have a better understanding of their building. It definitely affects the proforma in a positive way. You don’t need to be the expert. You should have a partner in the business to whom you can connect your client for a no cost, no obligation consultation and estimate.

If you’re a commercial broker and you don’t have a trusted partner for cost segregation, consider giving this short video presentation a watch. It’s 11 minutes long. I provide professional, engineering-based cost segregation services all over the country. Our firm is one of the largest and oldest in the country. We have experience with all properties types and classes in all 50 states. We’ve now successfully completed more than 50,000 studies.

By implementing cost segregation into your commercial real estate practice, you will not only get paid referrals from us, but you will gain new clients and close more deals. It will happen. Everyone’s looking for an edge and I’m telling you, THIS will give you an edge in the marketplace. Give this a watch and then reach out to me for a conversation.

If you go back to my home page, you’ll see a map of many of the properties we have studied in the past couple of years. Under the “Projects Completed” tab on the home page, it has a drop down so you can see pictures of the buildings our team has studied. Many of these projects have come to us by referral from commercial real estate brokers. Some also come to us from CPAs and building inspectors.

Reach if you’d like to talk about this program to incorporate cost segregation into your commercial real estate practice.

Commercial Real Estate Brokers and Owners – Slash Your 2023 Tax Bill with Cost Segregation!

This post is especially for commercial real estate brokers who own buildings and have extended their 2023 taxes. Assuming you have some tax liability for your earnings in 2023, if you own a commercial building(s) and/or residential investments and you have not done cost segregation on those buildings, this would be a great time to see if this can work for you. This may be especially beneficial if you have a significant tax liability and if you are planning on holding your buildings.  This also goes for those who aren’t CRE brokers but own commercial real estate. If you own a profitable building that you plan to hold for another 3 or more years, why not look at the impact a cost segregation study could have on your tax liability and cashflow for the property.

Get an estimate in your hands so you can have an informed conversation with your own tax advisor to see if doing a study now makes financial sense.

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John Murphy Cost Segregation

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