A Blog About Tax Savings for Building Owners

Tag: Commercial Real Estate (Page 2 of 3)

Strip Mall Sales and Dry Cleaner Contamination Concerns: What Sellers Might Consider

Buying a strip mall as an investment? Do you know if there has ever been a drycleaners in that strip mall before? Were they cleaning on the premises or was it strickly just a drop off and pick up store?

This a very informative string of Tweets from The StripMallGuy about concerns regarding dry cleaning tenants and if they have every used the space you are considering buying as you evaluate a strip mall. He has an entire thread and I would encourage you to read it if you’re in the business of buying strip malls. And to his point…if you are a seller trying to sell a strip mall, at least consider getting a Phase 1 study completed prior to listing the property. It will make life easier on everyone and not waste buyers’ time nor their brokers. Give him a follow on Twitter. He always has valuable insights. You can follow me as well at @costsegbuilding.

Cost Segregation Example on a $2 Million Commercial Building

I often get asked exactly how can a building owner benefit from doing cost segregation. Lots of times this comes up in conversation with commercial real estate brokers. I’ve recorded a pretty straightforward 4 minute video that hopefully will be of help to both CRE brokers representing building owners buying property as well as for commercial property owners.

We always recommend that owners should consult with their own tax advisors before moving ahead with a study. I’m not given tax advice – just an example of how an owner may benefit by doing cost segregation.

Get an estimate for your building. Rather than having a conversation with your tax advisor as to whether or not you might benefit from this without a formal estimate in your hands is just guesswork. Too many times the tax professional will say I don’t think it’s worth it. But when you have the numbers in your hand and can discuss the situation intelligently, then the parties can make an informed decision instead of guessing based upon the tax professionals prior experience or opinions of this tax strategy.

BTW, this doesn’t need to be done just on $1-$2MM+ buildings…we study all kinds of buildings – big and small – inexpensive and expensive. If you have a commercial property or residential investment property with a cost basis of more than $175k, it’s worth running the numbers. I work all over the country. There’s no cost or obigation to have us run the numbers. I publish lots of information on my blog at www.costsegbuilding.com. Find me on Twitter, Instagram and Youtube under the handle – @costsegbuilding
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Commercial Real Estate Brokers and Owners – Slash Your 2023 Tax Bill with Cost Segregation!

This post is especially for commercial real estate brokers who own buildings and have extended their 2023 taxes. Assuming you have some tax liability for your earnings in 2023, if you own a commercial building(s) and/or residential investments and you have not done cost segregation on those buildings, this would be a great time to see if this can work for you. This may be especially beneficial if you have a significant tax liability and if you are planning on holding your buildings.  This also goes for those who aren’t CRE brokers but own commercial real estate. If you own a profitable building that you plan to hold for another 3 or more years, why not look at the impact a cost segregation study could have on your tax liability and cashflow for the property.

Get an estimate in your hands so you can have an informed conversation with your own tax advisor to see if doing a study now makes financial sense.

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John Murphy Cost Segregation

Keep Your Cash – How a Cost Segregation Estimate Can Help with Quarterly Tax Payments for Building Owners

Building owners….did you know that you could use an cost segregation ESTIMATE to help you manage your cash flow and perhaps pay less in quarterly tax payments or year end payments? How? Follow along…

When we provide an owner with an estimate, we are almost always conservative in our projection. If we say we believe that we’ll be able to identify say $200,000 in additional increased accumulated depreciation expense, we’ll normally hit at least that number 96-97% of the time. Occassionally the actual results come in a bit lighter.

But let’s say you owe a quarterly tax payment of $15,000 this quarter. You own a building but haven’t done cost segregation on it yet. Your building is profitable and the reason you own the tax money is in a big part because of the commercial real estate you own or the business you operate at the CRE building you own. You contact us. Our team done an initial analysis and says we can identify $200,000 in depreciation. Let’s say your tax rate is 32%. And let’s say you put this building into service in 2023 so bonus depreciation is 80%. Here’s the math:

$200,000 in depreciation x 80% (bonus depreciation) x 32% (tax rate) = $51,200 in estimated tax savings. We will provide you with a nice PDF for your records. You can use the depreciation expense expectation in the calculations you and your tax professional run to figure out what your quarterly payment might need to be. It could be that our estimate will wipe out your quarterly tax obligation. In this scenario noted, it very well could have done that.

This strategy can be used at any point in the year. It doesn’t just need to be reserved for year end tax planning. Reach out if you have questions and would like to discuss. John Murphy, Cost Segregation Specialist, 864-276-1448

Maximizing Property Profitability: The Overlooked Tax Strategies Every Property Manager Should Know

In talking with various property management companies, they often keep track of all kinds of things about an owner’s building…expenses, repairs, inspections, improvements, life expectancy on components and regular review of the property. Many also keep the books as well and know the profitability of the owner. They may or may not include the tracking of the property taxes, debt service and depreciation.

But that said, as managers of the property to help the owner maintain a profitable business, in my opinion, they should be having conversations with their owner clients and find out if they have done cost segregation or not for the building for tax savings. Cost segregation can help with profitability and cash flow – right in the wheelhouse of most property managers.

Property managers should also remember that if there are significant improvements done to the property, they should consider studying those improvements – partial asset disposition (PAD) and cost segregation. There is often significant tax savings for the owner if they do this after a significant renovation ($100,000+). There are some rules of course that must be followed but it’s important to look into it. If the building has been owned for at least one tax year and they do big improvements, it might qualify for PAD. PAD allows for a tax deduction in the tax year in which the work was done. It also removes basis from the depreciation schedule as the property that has been thrown out is calculated and removed from the schedule. That way the owner doesn’t end up being subject to recapture tax for property that is now longer part of the building. It’s a 2 for 1 tax benefit. The vast majority miss this from what I can see.

Property managers, as trusted advisors to property owners, can play a crucial role in identifying opportunities for tax savings through cost segregation and PAD. By proactively engaging in conversations with their clients about these strategies, property managers can help owners maximize their tax benefits and enhance the overall profitability of their investments.

Many property managers across the country are part of our referral partner program where they can earn a referral for each study that we do for their clients. If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to me and I’d be happy to discuss. — John Murphy 864-276-1448

Cost Segregation for Charlotte Commercial Real Estate

If you own commercial real estate in the Charlotte, NC metro and if you haven’t done a cost segregation study for tax savings, please feel free to reach out and give me a call. I’m based out of Greenville, SC just 90 minutes away. I can work anywhere in the U.S.

Recently we studied this new construction building that is Aspen Dental and Clear Choice Dental Implant Center. These kinds of retail buildings perform very well with cost segregation because they are often built out quite nicely with internal finishes many of which are considered 5 year class life. Also since this was a new developed parcel, given the requirements for parking, the 15 year class life property also is typically quite large and benefits the owners.

As I write this, Congress has not yet officially passed the bill that would allow bonus depreciation to go back to 100%. As things stand today, any properties placed into service in 2023 get 80% bonus depreciation and those placed in-service in 2024 get 60% bonus. That means for all class life property identified as 20 years or less, the owners can take 60% of that cost as a depreciation expense.

John Murphy, CSSI, LLC 864-276-1448 / john.murphy@costsegregationservices.com

Cost Segregation for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

I get asked to come in and present to commercial real estate brokers, financial advisory firms, CPA firms and occasionally a college might ask me to speak to their accounting students. The the folks who are consistently really interested in learning more about cost segregation are the CRE brokers…as well they should.

This is not only easy money but it’s a great value-add service that you can tell your clients about which in turn might lead to another deal. How so? Let’s say you help a buyer purchase a new building. As part of your due diligence, you get an estimate for cost segregation. It’s likely the owner is not familiar with cost segregation. You might end up saving that owner $30, $50, $100k+ on his/her taxes. It might even be enough that they want to buy another building with you. You can earn a referral fee on business you send our way. Of course it’s nowhere near what you earn with real estate commissions but it all helps at the end of the day. Telling your clients about cost segregation and getting them an estimate is a win-win-win for everybody.

I recorded a presentation that I recently used to help educate many commercial real estate brokers. It’s not meant to be an in-depth study of cost segregation but hopefully provides enough of an overview to help you understand the power of cost segregation and why you should have a trusted source to help you and your clients maximize their building’s cash flow while minimizing the taxes for the owner.

Presentation about Cost Segregation for Commercial Real Estate Brokers
John Murphy Cost Segregation

Will Congress Extend 100% Bonus Depreciation Through 2025?

100% Bonus Depreciation Commercial Real Estate, Residential Investment Property

Anyone paying attention to Washington DC knows that our elected representatives have not put together a real budget. There is still lots to do when they get back to work 🙂 in early January. One of the things that has been floating around DC is the possible extension of the 100% bonus depreciation rule that was originally put into place by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017.

Many in commercial real estate and particularly the GPs who run the syndications for multi-family investments have become addicted to the 100% bonus depreciation rule. I like to call it the crack of real estate and tax. In 2023 it has moved to 80% bonus and in 2024 it’s scheduled to drop to 60% bonus depreciation.

Bonus depreciation comes in to play or all property with a class life of 20 years or less. When a cost segregation study is completed, the property that is normally all 39 year if commercial and 27.5 year if multi-family / residential investment, gets reclassified to it’s proper class lives which are 5, 7, 15, and/or 27.5 / 39 years. This allows for a much bigger deduction to be taken early in the life of the ownership of the property.

Mastering the Art of Expensing and Accelerating Depreciation Webinar

We have an upcoming free course for CPAs to earn continuing education credit (1.5 hours of CPE) but this will also be a helpful webinar for commercial real estate brokers, commercial bankers and of course, building owners. Commercial building owners should know this information. If you are a residential real estate investor or owner of short-term rentals, this will also be a helpful course.

Prepare for a comprehensive exploration of the intricate world of cost segregation and gain valuable insights to demystify the application of Tangible Property Regulations, resulting in significant reductions in your client’s taxable income. Unlock the artistry behind these regulations to maximize their advantages. We will dissect the most prevalent depreciation and expensing opportunities for clients who own and develop commercial real estate and short-term rentals. Whether it’s Commercial Buildings, Apartment Complexes, Long-Term or Short-Term Rentals, Disposition of Materials, or Interior Renovations, each presents unique opportunities for expensing and accelerating depreciation, provided you have a foundational grasp of the regulations and access to the requisite cost data.

Rather than drowning in the complexities of regulations as is often the case in presentations, we will utilize real-world scenarios encountered by building and short-term rental owners to assist you in crafting a strategy for expensing and accelerating depreciation, including leveraging Bonus Depreciation. An integral aspect of our sessions is addressing your specific queries to empower you in confidently applying these regulations to meet your client’s precise requirements. Hundreds of Tax Professionals have consistently rated CSSI’s team of presenters and content as excellent. We cordially invite you to join us for an engaging 1.5-hour discussion filled with strategic insights and ample time for addressing your inquiries. CPE credits are available for CPAs through our NASBA certified provider.


By the end of this lesson, attendees will be able to discuss advanced depreciation and expensing strategies related to cost segregation including:

•Common scenarios for expensing and accelerating depreciation using the Tangible Property Regulations and Cost Segregation

•Advantages of Short-Term Rentals

•When to use Bonus Depreciation vs Section 179

•Renovation Depreciation — When to use Partial Asset Disposition (PAD) and Qualified Improvement Property (QIP)

•Grouping OpportunitiesYour clients who own buildings may be eligible for substantial deductions. Grasp the implications in these real-life scenarios to deepen your understanding of strategies and gain a competitive edge, ultimately affording your clients the deductions and cash flow they rightly deserve.


•You must register for and attend the entire session to receive CPE credit.

•A course evaluation must be completed to receive CPE credit.

•Group attendance will not be recognized. Each attendee must be logged in individually to receive credit.

When you register, you can put my name down as the rep who invited you.

Register for the October 25th webinar at 10am Central Time.

Register for the November 1st webinar at 10am Central Time

Smashburger Experiments with Virtual Drive-thru Lanes…aka Pick Up Windows

Photo: Smashburger / QSR Magaine

Post pandemic changes continue to take root in the commercial real estate space and especially with restaurants. It was inevitable that given the scare the American people were put through with the Covid hysteria that we’d see an increase in drive-thrus and pick up windows. Pick up windows have long been a thing in beach towns and resorts but they are now making their way to every day suburban America.

Smashburger is testing out virtual lanes whereby they create some space in their stores to cut out a pick up window. Customers place their orders on their app and pay for it electronically. They then just walk up and pick up their order. Panera does a lot of this as do other restaurants, but you have to go into their stores to get the food. That’s fine now, but for those looking to shave 30 seconds off their lives, they may like the pick up windows. This allows Smashburger to provide some additional convenience for customers without needing the real estate to double or triple their drive-thrus which of course also costs a significant amount of money.

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