I get asked to come in and present to commercial real estate brokers, financial advisory firms, CPA firms and occasionally a college might ask me to speak to their accounting students. The the folks who are consistently really interested in learning more about cost segregation are the CRE brokers…as well they should.
This is not only easy money but it’s a great value-add service that you can tell your clients about which in turn might lead to another deal. How so? Let’s say you help a buyer purchase a new building. As part of your due diligence, you get an estimate for cost segregation. It’s likely the owner is not familiar with cost segregation. You might end up saving that owner $30, $50, $100k+ on his/her taxes. It might even be enough that they want to buy another building with you. You can earn a referral fee on business you send our way. Of course it’s nowhere near what you earn with real estate commissions but it all helps at the end of the day. Telling your clients about cost segregation and getting them an estimate is a win-win-win for everybody.
I recorded a presentation that I recently used to help educate many commercial real estate brokers. It’s not meant to be an in-depth study of cost segregation but hopefully provides enough of an overview to help you understand the power of cost segregation and why you should have a trusted source to help you and your clients maximize their building’s cash flow while minimizing the taxes for the owner.