
In the competitive world of commercial real estate (CRE), every advantage counts. As a broker or agent, your goal is not just to help your clients close deals, but to add value that sets you apart from the rest. One underutilized strategy that can enhance client relationships, generate referral fees, and potentially lead to future transactions is cost segregation. This tax-saving tool can transform how your clients view property investments and open the door to significant financial benefits for both of you.

What Is Cost Segregation?

Cost segregation is a tax strategy that allows property owners to accelerate depreciation on specific building components, such as lighting, flooring, or specialized wiring, rather than depreciating the entire property over 39 years. By reclassifying certain assets into shorter depreciation schedules (5, 7, or 15 years), property owners can dramatically increase their tax deductions, often realizing significant tax savings in the first few years of ownership.

These upfront savings enhance cash flow and enable property owners to reinvest in their business or even expand their property portfolio. Given these benefits, cost segregation should be a standard part of your conversation with clients, particularly for those who own or are considering purchasing commercial real estate.

Why CRE Brokers Should Offer Cost Segregation

1. Value-Added Service for Your Clients

Offering cost segregation positions you as more than just a broker; it positions you as a strategic partner invested in your clients’ long-term success. The tax savings that clients can achieve through this strategy are substantial—sometimes as much as 20% to 40% of a property’s purchase price can be reclassified for accelerated depreciation. This kind of savings can lead to increased cash flow, allowing your clients to reinvest in their business, upgrade facilities, or even acquire additional properties.

2. Strengthen Client Relationships

Cost segregation creates an opportunity for brokers to strengthen client relationships by providing a service that has tangible financial benefits. When clients see that you’re proactively looking for ways to save them money, they’re more likely to return to you for future transactions. More importantly, when the savings from cost segregation enable a client to purchase another building, who are they likely to call? The same broker who introduced them to the strategy in the first place.

3. Earn Referral Fees

Not only can offering cost segregation be a value-added service for your clients, but it can also be a direct revenue generator for you. Many brokers are unaware that they can earn a referral fee for recommending a cost segregation study. This additional stream of income can be a nice bonus, especially when paired with the potential for repeat business as clients reinvest their savings into new properties. Also think about this…why leave an opening for your competition to eventually reach out to your customer / client and talk with them about cost segregation. They might wonder why you didn’t say anything about it.

4. Make Clients’ Properties More Attractive to Buyers

For brokers involved in sales transactions, presenting cost segregation as part of the package can make a property more attractive to potential buyers. When buyers understand that they can benefit from accelerated depreciation after purchasing a property, it can make the financial proposition of the deal much more enticing. In essence, you’re not just selling a building; you’re selling a future tax strategy that can significantly boost the buyer’s return on investment. My experience is that about 6 out of 10 building owners have never heard of this before. Many of their CPAs won’t make mention of it either. You should make sure all your clients and prospects know about it.

5. Staying Ahead of the Competition

The commercial real estate market is becoming more competitive, with brokers and agents vying for the attention of property owners and investors. Offering services like cost segregation distinguishes you from the competition by positioning you as a full-service consultant who can bring more to the table than just listings and negotiation skills. This depth of service helps to solidify your expertise in the eyes of clients, giving you an edge in a crowded marketplace. Consider marketing cost segregation as a service you offer – because you do! You just have to offer it!

Cost Segregation and the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The benefits of cost segregation certainly accelerated and became even more attractive since the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). One of the key provisions is bonus depreciation, which allows property owners to deduct 100% of qualified improvement costs in the year the property is placed in service. The TCJA has a stair step downward each year or bonus deprecation. For properties placed into service after Sept. 27, 2017 and by Dec. 31, 2022, they could take 100% bonus depreciation. (They still can with a lookback study…so if they haven’t done cost segregation, they can still do so). In 2023, bonus went to 80%. In 2024 it’s 60% and it lowers 20% each year until it is zero again in 2027. Congress may vote to extend bonus depreciation but given the way things are in Washington, DC, no one really knows if this is going to happen. Brokers should highlight the current bonus depreciation ability window to clients, stressing that now is the time to act to maximize tax savings.

Practical Steps for Brokers

If you’re a commercial real estate broker interested in offering cost segregation, here are a few steps to get started:

  • Partner with a Reputable Cost Segregation Firm: Not all cost segregation studies are created equal. Partnering with a firm that employs engineers and tax professionals ensures that your clients will receive a comprehensive and accurate study. Find a great rep who will be professional and responsive to you and your clients.
  • Educate Your Clients: Many property owners may not be familiar with cost segregation or may not realize it applies to their properties. Take the time to explain the potential benefits and how it could impact their bottom line. This is where your cost segregation partner can come in handy to help with the education. You don’t need to be the expert.
  • Highlight Potential Savings Early: When discussing potential purchases with clients, make it a habit to mention cost segregation. Highlighting the tax advantages upfront can make the financials of a deal more appealing to buyers. Some brokers also use cost segregation estimates to help them with their listing marketing.
  • Leverage Success Stories: Share testimonials or case studies from other clients who have benefited from cost segregation. This provides real-world examples of how the strategy can boost cash flow and open doors for further investments. Once you have an owner or two who saves $50, $100, $200k on their income taxes, you’ll become a true believer yourself.

Don’t Forget About Your Own Investments

Remember if you own commercial property or residential investment property, cost segregation can be a huge help to commercial real estate brokers. Discuss this with your own tax advisor, but normally you qualify for as a Real Estate Professional or REP, in the tax code. This means that all of your income is active so if you have real estate and can generate say a $200,000 depreciation expense, that very well might lower your income that year by $200,000 saving you probably $60,000 – $70,000 in income taxes. Might it be worth it for you to spent $4-$7k or so on a cost segregation study? I think so.


In today’s fast-paced commercial real estate environment, brokers need every tool in their arsenal to add value, build strong relationships, and stay ahead of the competition. Cost segregation is one such tool—a tax-saving strategy that not only benefits your clients but can also enhance your business by generating referral fees and encouraging repeat transactions. By offering this service, you position yourself as a forward-thinking, value-driven broker who is committed to maximizing your clients’ financial success.

Now is the time to unlock the hidden value in your clients’ properties and take your real estate practice to the next level. As I like to say, we help squeeze everything out of that property. There’s often money still remaining in many buildings and owners and brokers just are not aware. Let us take a look and see if we can help. There’s never a cost or obiligation to have us run the numbers.

I work all over the U.S. and would be happy to have a conversation with you. I partner with CRE brokers around the country to help them offer this service. I’m backed by a phenomenal company in CSSI. It still blows my mind how few commercial real estate brokers utilize cost segregation as part of their core services offered.