A Blog About Tax Savings for Building Owners

Tag: Real Estate

Are Short-Term Rentals Considered 27.5 Year or 39 Year Property for Depreciation?

Had a couple of conversations this past week as well as reviewed some depreciation schedules and more often than you would think, we see schedules that have the Airbnb or VRBO (STR) listed as a 27.5 year asset. It’s not. It’s considered more like commercial and gets treated as such. So, short-term rentals like Airbnbs and VRBOs are 39 year assets. Keep that in mind as you are forecasting your depreciation.

Should you study your short-term rental? Well, that depends. Are you going to hold it for at least a few more years? Is it profitable? If it’s not profitable, are you managing the property so that you might be able to utilize the depreciation to offset your other income? Be sure to discuss this with your tax advisor. We can always run the numbers for you but then you need to consult with your own advisors to see if it makes sense to do a study. No need for you to spend $2,500 – $5,500 or so to get a study done only to find out you really can’t use the depreciation. That said, we study a lot of Airbnbs and VRBOs. The cost is not a lot of money for the tax benefits you receive. Many owners see a 10x return on their investment in the study.

Reach out to me if you’d like to discuss. Feel free to also check out the other site I’m building over at Cost Seg Estimate.

How Biden’s Tax Proposal Could Devastate Real Estate Investors and Their Beneficiaries

Photo: FoxNews

I was talking with a friend today and we aren’t sure why the Biden Administration is putting forth proposals to raise taxes as we head into an election, but apparently that is what they are doing. In some ways the changes are quite significant and when it comes to real estate investors and commercial property owners, if these become law, the impact will be material.

The Money Cruncher, CPA has been publishing some excellent information on Twitter. Below is a link to his thread that is must reading for real estate investors, brokers and owners to be aware of what might be coming down the pike.

EY published a detailed analysis on Biden’s proposed tax reform. Kiplinger and Forbes have also published analysis of the proposed tax changes.

Given that the Republicans currently hold the House of Representatives, it seems unlikely that this will get passed. But that said, if the Democrats win the White House, keep the Senate and win the House, this could get enacted early in 2025.

Farewell to Sam Zell: Remembering the Bold Legacy of a Commercial Real Estate Icon

People pass away every day…in the media we hear brief commentaries about certain sports figures or hollywood types who’ve died, but yesterday news broke that the legendary Sam Zell passed away at 81 years old. The Chicago Sun-Times has a good article on Sam Zell. He seemed to live life to the fullest and he added tremendous “color” to an industry that is pretty staid. Zell was not afraid to speak his mind…to go against the current thinking and to make very big bets on real estate and business. He didn’t always make a killing and in fact sometimes failed very publicly as in the case when he purchased the Chicago Tribune which eventually went into bankruptcy.

Over the years I would have CNBC on in the background from time to time and any time I heard that they were going to have an interview with Sam Zell, I made sure to tune in. It wasn’t necessarily because I was interested in commercial real estate – I was involved in residential real estate at the time – but he offered such a fresh perspective that often was not seen or hear on broadcast TV. He didn’t just talk about commercial real estate but had a much bigger perspective on lots of other aspects of the economy, trade, business and politics. He rarely disappointed in my mind.

Sam Zell was an American success story having grown up in Highland Park in Chicago. Here’s a nice synopsis of Sam Zell’s professional life.

Sam Zell (September 28, 1941 – May 18, 2023) – RIP.

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