Dispite Amazon supposedly killing traditional retail as we know it, retail strip centers continue to perform very well for their owners. We study a lot of these kinds of buildings and they tend to do well for their owners in terms of accelerated depreciation.
This one happens to be in Five Forks – Simpsonville, SC. It sits on a terrific corner at Woodruff Road and Highway 14 in the highly sought after area called Five Forks. There had been an old building that was at this corner and was for sale for a long time. It got demolished to make way for this gorgeous new 3 tenant retail strip. The tenants are Summer Moon Coffee, Tazikis Mediterranean Cafe and Tek Replay.
I was in the building last week and all the tenant spaces. It’s beautiful and high quality. The Boardman Group was the General Contractor and design firm that built this building. It is located adjacent to Southside Christian School which has elementary through high school. It seems there’s a built-in customer base right there.